Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy

At KnowledgeSurge Institute, we are committed to combating sexual violence in all forms at our training facility. Sexual violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at KnowledgeSurge Institute. Those who commit or attempt to commit sexual acts of violence will be held accountable through a process that ensures fairness and equity. Our Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy & Procedures outlines our commitment to addressing sexual violence and sexual harassment as well as the appropriate handling of complaints of incidents of sexual violence. 



Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres Ontario Provincial


Assaulted Women’s Help-Line – Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511

#SAFE (#7233) on Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile

TTY: 416-364-8762


Fem’aide Telephone toll-free: 1-877-336-2433

ATS: 1 866 860-7082


Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres:

Hospital-based centres are available and provide 24/7 emergency care to women. To locate the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre nearest you, go to:

Local to Barrie campus and in general for Alliston, Barrie, Collingwood, Midland and Orillia:

Huronia Transition Homes operates La Maison Rosewood Shelter (Midland) & Athena’s Sexual Assault Counselling and Advocacy Centre

24-hour crisis line:

Barrie: 705-737-2008 or 1-800-987-0799

Midland: 705-526-4211 or 1-800-461-175

Office: 705-526-3221